CDD in the media

Could Our Microbiome Treat Mental Disease and Other Illnesses? | Chris Gilbert, M.D., Ph.D. Heal the Mind to Heal the Body

More recently, when people are exposed to long antibiotic treatments, not only are the culprit bugs destroyed, but all their good bacteria are destroyed too. As a result, some people’s guts are colonized by a very-difficult-to-treat bug called Clostridium Difficile (C. Diff.) and despite additional antibiotic treatments, these patients sometimes develop recurrent C. Diff. infections. Read full story here […]

CDD featured in the media, CDD news

FMT News | MMM Radio

If you’re looking to make a few quick bucks, it turns out your bowel movement could be the key to a small fortune. That’s right, poo transplants are a thing, and the Centre for Digestive Disease (CDD) wants to pay you for your poo. The CDD is currently short of donors, with people who suffer […]

CDD featured in the media, CDD news

CDD FMT Gold for Donors |

You may think twice now about the golden toilet rule – “if it’s brown, flush it down” because your daily deposit could be worth some much-needed extra cash. Poo transplants and capsules, which are being trialled to help medical conditions from autism, multiple sclerosis and chronic diarrhoea, are in such huge demand that they are offering to pay for […]

CDD featured in the media, CDD news