The CDD Donor Diet

12,000 FMT Proceedures

International FMT Centre of Excellence

The CDD FMT Donor Diet

Dietary Requirements

The person receiving your stool (the recipient) will be relying on you to pass a bowel motion every morning. We highly recommend that you start the following changes at least three to four days before you are required – ensuring that you will have no difficulty producing a bowel motion first thing in the morning. You are asked to eat a high fiber diet, as well as avoiding ‘high risk’ foods, which are more susceptible to growing bad bacteria. 

Foods to Include

  • All breads, cereals and grains should be wholemeal. This includes bread, pasta, rice and breakfast cereals.
  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables (with the exception of corn).
  • Include beans and pulses in your diet (lentils, chickpeas, beans, hommos)
  • Eat at least two pieces of fruit per day
  • Drink at least 1 litre of water per day.

Donors will be recommended to commence supplements that are believed to be beneficial in producing an environment conducive for the continued growth of good bacteria in the bowel. These supplements include:

  • Apple pectin
  • Inulin – N.B. It is recommended that you start supplementation at the lowest therapeutic dose specified by the manufacturer.
  • N-acetylglucosamine (N-A-G).

Foods to Avoid

  • Avoid shellfish, prawns, oysters, raw fish and processed meats such as salami, ham and sausages.
  • Avoid all antibiotics.